CounteR Project 3rd Technical Meeting in Malta 

October 11, 2022
1 min read
Title CouteR 3r technical meeting

Under the coordination of ASSIST Software, the CounteR consortium has reached the halfway point of the project's lifespan, having registered considerable progress in the project’s implementation. We remind you that CounteR is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to develop an early-warning system for detecting radical online content, thereby contributing to the prevention of radicalization and terrorist attacks. This software tool is being developed in collaboration with partners from various fields of expertise, such as law enforcement, sociology, ethics, data processing, and analytics.  

To ensure the synchronization of the 19 partners’ tasks and deliverables and to carefully plan the activities for the upcoming months, the consortium got together in Malta, for the third technical meeting of the project. The meeting was held on September 28 and 29, 2022, and was hosted by ICON and MITLA, the project's Maltese partners. The meeting's hybrid format enabled several partners to participate online and make valuable contributions to the discussions. This represented an excellent opportunity for the consortium to bring innovative ideas to the table and capitalize on the synergies between the various entities involved in the execution of the project. 

The Privacy-First Situational Awareness Platform for Violent Terrorism and Crime Prediction, Counter Radicalization and Citizen Protection Project or CounteR is funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union and submitted under the H2020-SU-SEC-2020 call for proposals, with project ID 101021607

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