Capture the Flag Contest at Suceava University

November 09, 2021
2 min read
Capture the Flag Contest for Students at Suceava University

ASSIST Software is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the sixth International Students Contest on Information Security.  

The CTF-USV (“Capture The Flag” - Suceava University) competition will take place on the 18th and 19th of November 2021. ASSIST Software, Safetech Innovations, The “Carol I” National Defense University, and the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava are coming together once again to encourage students from academic institutions to participate in the contest and develop their skills, while also exercising both their intellectual and practical abilities in the Information Security field.  

We want to help future specialists learn by taking part in a CTF event where they will be exploiting the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of web applications and operating systems. Naturally, just like in most Capture the Flag competitions, students will need to compete in a controlled environment, cautious about the given timeframe.  

The competition will consist of capturing “flags” that are arranged in the form of random and unique strings. The number of points awarded will vary according to the difficulty level of each challenge. However, the students will be allowed to use any tool that can help them in solving the problems without affecting the functionality or availability of the systems hosting the CTF platform or related infrastructure. 

Worth noting is that this year’s event will be held online, and the teams will be required to choose a team leader when they register. A USV faculty staff member will certify the team’s affiliation. 

The schedule starts on the 18th of November, at 10:00 EET, and ends on the 19th of November, at 12:00 EET. However, the teams must register in advance between the 8th and 12th of November and follow the specific instructions found on the CTF-USV website.  

We expect the contest to be a huge success, judging by the large number of yearly participants so do not miss your chance!

ASSIST Software is an outsourcing software engineering company that often collaborates with the Stefan cel Mare University to offer students opportunities to explore their passions, discover their limits by pushing beyond them and overcome their fears. 

For more details about the CTF-USV event including the knowledge base needed to compete, all students can access the CTF-USV website.  

Get ready to show your true potential! 

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