Start-Up Internationalization an Erasmus+ project | ASSIST Software Romania
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Suceava, Romania





Main activities

  • Software Development


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Start-Up Internationalization (SUI) is an EU wide partnership project designed to identify core and innovative learning methods that best encourages success in international activities for startup and entrepreneur.

The Start-Up Internationalization Project is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union and submitted under key action: cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, action type: strategic partnerships, with the project number: 2014-1-ES01-KA202-004525.

The project is based on the results and experience acquired in a previous project called “SUC – Start-Up Communities”. However, it goes one step further, promoting the international expansion and development of the start-ups and entrepreneurs communities. Through the guide of experts in this area, our partner's countries will contribute with their wide experience finding best practices, case studies, lessons learned and future opportunities.


  • Deliver training and practical entrepreneurship education among training providers from partner’s countries
  • Design an innovative training course for the internationalization of the startups that will serve as a guide to solve the special needs for startup and entrepreneurs to get the proper training in essential aspects of the internationalization process, through the cooperation of the partners
  • An e-learning platform that will work in both ways, one as support for trainers in face to face courses, but also in the distance and on-line training.


  • To promote entrepreneurs attitude about the vital importance of internationalization of the startup in early stages, by a team of key actors playing vital roles as training providers, inspirational models, mentors, network facilitators, and other feeders.

The project consortium is formed by 5 European partners from five different countries: the United Kingdom represented by Amery Brothers, Spain represented by Ajev and FyG Consultores, Romania represented by our company ASSIST Software, Portugal represented Inova+, and Italy represented by Materahub.

Partners of the Start-Up Internationalization Project Consortium:

  Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Fabian Gomez testimonial on ASSIST Software's services
Fabian Gomez

Our experience working with ASSIST Software it was and it is remarkable, we have done a lot of projects together and their level of involvement in the implementation of the tasks at all levels is very high.

Paolo Montemurro  testimonial on ASSIST Software's services
Paolo Montemurro

ASSIST Software is one of the best software houses and IT companies we have been working with in the framework of EU funded projects.

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