ASSIST Biking Club cycling for children with autism | ASSIST Software Romania
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ASSIST Biking Club cycling for children with autism

Thu, 16 Aug 2018

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Last week, on 10th of August 2018, ASSIST Software's Biking Club along with other groups of cyclists, volunteered to welcome and sustain a supportive charity campaign named CONTOUR 100, for the children with autism in Romania. 
This charity campaign has been represented by four courageous cyclists from CONTOUR 100 national project who decided to spread autism awareness among all Romanians. Therefore, ASSIST Software's Biking Club and other volunteers welcomed the four ambassadors of autistic children from Adâncata, which is near the city until the Shopping City Suceava parking lot.

How it was

Although it was a windy hot day, the activities meant to inform, increase awareness and raise funds were a success. We were glad to see that a lot of parents and kids were interested in finding out more about autistic children and their situation. 
Due to a well-established program, many of the representatives of this event or even volunteers exposed their thoughts and desires in front of the microphone sustaining this cause and bringing awareness towards people. 
Also, a representative of the County Police Inspectorate sustained in front of everyone the importance of caring and being aware of this delicate situation. Moreover, they could not overlook topics of interest for parents and children about road legislation, protective measures when riding a bike and the most important, how can parents protect their children from bike accidents.


The parking of Shopping City Suceava also hosted a lot of special, fun activities for children like basketball, football, a trampoline and a lot of other surprises. Besides the multitude of activities meant to inform and teach all the people about the autism situation and how to foster community integration, one of the main organizers „Help Autism Association” had given information and raised funds for the kids in need by selling lemonade.
All this time, the atmosphere was maintained by two representatives of the local radio station Viva FM Suceava who had a live transmission during the whole event. So, in this way, all the people who couldn't reach this event had the chance to be informed, to donate and do something for the children with autism. 
At the end of the event, starting from Shopping City Suceava parking lot, all the bikers surrounded by cheers and applause were escorted by a police car, in a Bicycle parade to Suceava House of Culture.

Sincere thanks

We are happy to see that this event has not been overlooked by people and was a success although it was at its first edition. 
Moreover, in the name of ASSIST Software and ASSIST Biking Club, we would like to offer our sincere thanks to Shopping City Suceava and Help Autism Suceava, the main organizers of this memorable event. We give our special thanks also to Suceava on Bike, Vee Tire, Carrefour, Decathlon, Bar Show, Bucovina “I.G. Sbiera” Library, and Special Needs Parents Association. We truly hope that this event will not be the last one of this type and we are looking forward to participating in the next one.

ASSIST Software representants sustaining children with autism


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