ASSIST Software at Codecamp Chișinău 2018 | ASSIST Software Romania
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ASSIST Software at Codecamp Chișinău 2018

Thu, 14 Jun 2018

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We are pleased to announce that we have participated in another Codecamp event, on 2nd June 2018 which this time took place in Chișinău. Codecamp is considered to be one of Romania's biggest IT events, bringing together IT professionals and software industry veterans and we joined them as a Diamond Partner for Codecamp Chisinau and Codecamp Suceava (20 October 2018). Our journey started one day before the event, with emotions and a lot of enthusiasm, due to our wish of having all perfectly prepared for the big day. 

New Experiences

After we finished the preparation for the event, we’ve checked in at the hotel and went to discover the beauty of Chișinău. We were glad to observe that the people were warm-hearted, honest and open to giving directions. 

Event day

Starting with the first hour, many participants showed up and expressed their desire for knowing more about our company - ASSIST Software - and the advantages we offer as an employer. And because we are looking for new colleagues, we gladly interacted with those curious to know more about our culture, the projects we work for and the atmosphere at ASSIST. 
We were honored to see that a lot of people were knowing about our activities as a company and wish to stay in contact with us. Moreover, we were impressed to see that even students from Chișinău University showed interest in applying for an internship for the summer period.
ASSIST Software representants talking with the person interested in discovering new opportunities at Codecamp Chișinău 2018

ASSIST speakers at Codecamp Chișinău

Out of 15 speakers from Codecamp Chișinău, 3 were our talented and experienced colleagues which we congratulate and we are very proud. 
Alexandru Boca, Head of Mobile Development, has held a presentation titled: “Make everything build faster - CI Tools - Fastlane”;
Alexandru Creangă, Rails Developer, talked about: “Functional programming. Elixir and Phoenix framework presented”;
Sebastian Măcărescu, Head of Cloud Engineering, tech the audience about: “Deploying microservices on AWS ECS with Cloudformation”;

Sincere thanks

We express our gratitude for those who organize every time this great event. Also, we can’t forget about our colleagues who represented ASSIST at Chișinău. That’s why, we want to thank them for their implication, teamwork, hard work and enthusiasm!
Further, we can only promise that we will continue to support and participate in such events from now on. 


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