Loopme | ASSIST Software Romania
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Customer / Partner Country


Development location

Suceava, Romania





Main activities

  • Analysis
  • iOS Application Development
  • Android Application Development
  • Software Testing



Loopme is a platform aimed at turning teachers and parents into partners in their children’s education. It’s consisted of teacher app, parent app and web based back-end.
The platform enables teachers to easily update parents about what happened in class today by using video, pictures and text. Also, social media features were integrated into to the system in order to ease the communication between teachers to parents and among the parents themselves. And since information security is of the essence here, Loopme has two layers of security in order to protect the children’s information. Contact us


  • Parents can quickly review what their child learned today
  • Strengthening teacher-parent communication
  • Strengthening parent-parent communication


  • Easy-to-use tools – Teachers are able to take videos, photos, add text, update schedule and keep in touch with parents swiftly and easily
  • Secured Access – Both parents and teachers enjoy double layerd security system
  • Social Tools – Parents and teachers can communicate with each other privately or en masse
  • Calendar – Complete sync between the preschool and parent’s calendar
  • Roster – Connect easily with whomever you’ll like
Team Loopme testimonial on ASSIST Software's services
Team Loopme

If you’re looking for a trusted partner to develop your product look no more. Always available, always organized and always on top of it, ASSIST did a great job in developing loopme. Our system is compromised from four different elements that need to be in complete sync.

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