L2L Entrepreneurship an Erasmus+ project | ASSIST Software Romania
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„Learning to Learn Entrepreneurship for Low Skill Young People” (L2L entrepreneurship) is an Erasmus+ EU wide partnership project designed to identify core and innovative learning methods that best encourages success in entrepreneurship activities. The project is based on the results and experience acquired in a previous project called “Let's, Learning to learn” for senior workers.

The L2L Entrepreneurship Project is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union and submitted under key action: cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, action type: strategic partnerships, with the project number: 2015-1-ES01-KA202-015594.

The L2L Entrepreneurship project is formed of 6 partners from 5 countries: Spain represented by Ajev and FyG ConsultoresRomania represented by our company ASSIST Software, Italy represented by E.RI.FO., Greece represented by University of Thessaly, and the UK represented by Employability Town.

Education of young people and entrepreneurship is one of the most important EU concerns. Indeed, in this period of crisis, the level of education is very important for the employability and successful entrepreneurial initiatives of young people which could revive the economic growth.

Through the guide of experts in this area, the partners are contributing to their wide experience finding best practices, case studies, lessons learned and future opportunities. During the project, we will deliver training and practical entrepreneurship education among training providers, from partner’s countries.

Another innovative accomplishment will be the deployment of the training course for entrepreneurs that will serve as a guide to solve special needs for low skilled young people and entrepreneurs to get the proper training in essential aspects of the entrepreneurship process.

All the course content will be complemented with an e-learning platform that works in two ways:

  • as a support for trainers in face-to-face courses;
  • as an online e-learning platform training for low skilled young people.     

The project focuses on the development of the trainer’s capability to motivate and enhance young employed and unemployed person’s participation in lifelong learning. Low skilled young people face many difficulties in acceding to training, mainly because of their low motivation/confidence in own capabilities to manage theoretical contents.

They lack in the “Learning to learn” and entrepreneurship key competences. In order to develop their willingness to accede education, a team of specialized trainers are building the ladder to develop their own competencies through some different informal ways and a share of experiences with experts belonging to other countries.

The direct and indirect recipients of the results of the project will be:

  • Low-skilled young learners
  • Youth organizations
  • Centre of competencies validation
  • Youth employment organizations
  • Young entrepreneurs
  • Vocational Education & Training Providers
  • Entrepreneurship education development institutions
  • Sports associations
  • Human resources specialists
  • Teachers, students, deans, rectors from Business Management courses

Partners of the L2L Entrepreneurship Project Consortium:

  Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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