COMEET+ an Erasmus+ project | ASSIST Software Romania
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Development location

Suceava, Romania





Main activities

  • Software Development


HTML5CSSCloudOpen edX

COMEET+ is an Erasmus+ KA2 program funded by the European Commission under Cooperation for Innovation and the exchange of Good Practises in Adult education.

The Comeet Plus Project is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union and submitted under key action: cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, action type: strategic partnerships, with the project number: 2015-1-ES01-KA204-016081.

In this program are involved 6 countries from Europe: Italy represented by Materahub, Holland represented by Business Development Friesland (BDF), Romania represented by our company ASSIST Software, Cyprus represented by Synthesis, and Belgium represented by Association Européenne des Enseignants.

The Regional Government of Extremadura in Spain leads the project. Together we have expertise in entrepreneurship, adult education and e‐learning solutions. This project is running from October 2015 until September 2017.

COMEET+ Project is promoting an holistic approach to entrepreneurship education based on the idea that community actors (parents, teachers, youth educators, people working in associations active at community level) have a responsibility when it comes to shaping young people mindset and vision of the future and the possibility for them to be more active and entrepreneurial in their everyday life.

We believe that the educational community, especially families and school teachers, has an essential role to foster entrepreneurship skills in young people. These skills will be decisive to increase new chances for developing future scenarios and employment in young people. In addition, these skills will help them to imagine and create a better environment and new opportunities.

Our aim is to create a useful social learning platform for different community actors, available for other countries working with entrepreneurial education at the community level. This learning platform will be adapted to the training needs of different community actors such as teachers, families, youth workers and entrepreneurship facilitators' needs.

The partnership will share good practices and methodologies, creating specific tools and training resources about the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills among young people. Those will be dynamic and open contents, and there will be available for any member of our learning communities at national and European level through the online platform.

Check more Erasmus+ projects in Romania. 

Partners of the COMEET Plus Project Consortium:

  Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Paolo Montemurro  testimonial on ASSIST Software's services
Paolo Montemurro

ASSIST Software is one of the best software houses and IT companies we have been working with in the framework of EU funded projects.

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