Real-Time Weather Plugin now available on the Unity Asset Store

May 22, 2022
2 min read
Real-time weather plugin for Unity - user interface

The Real-Time Weather Plugin for Unity is an efficient tool developed by ASSIST Software that obtains and processes real-time weather data to simulate an entire environment system. It should also be noted that the plugin can work as a standalone extension of the Unity editor, collecting real-time data, which can be used as input for your components. 
We have recently updated the tool with a series of features that will offer an overall improved experience for the users. The new version comes with:
  • Android Platform Support
  • Massive Clouds Atmos Integration
  • Enviro Weather Simulation Profile Setup for Android
  • Updated UI for Unity 2017
  • Updated the RealTimeWeatherManager Inspector
The weather data is obtained in real-time from three different sources: Weather Atlas, Weather For You, and Weather Underground. You can choose a city/location and our plugin will simulate the real-time weather conditions, thus bringing your project one step closer to reality. It’s worth noting that you can also choose the update frequency of the weather conditions. 
We highly value usability in our products; the Real-Time Weather Plugin for Unity is simple to set up and has built-in functionality for simulating a scene using the Tenkoku – Dynamic Sky plugin, the Enviro – Sky and Weather plugin, or your own custom weather simulator. These two plugins bring great results in adding completely dynamic high-fidelity sky and weather rendering. Both plugins allow you to simulate weather, the day-night cycle, clouds, and seasons. 
→ Get the Real-Time Weather Plugin for a special price from the Unity Asset Store unity asset store button
The credit for the creation of the Real Time Weather Plugin goes to ASSIST Software’s Game Development department, whose graphic designers and developers put passion, creativity, and hours of hard work into the product in order to ensure that it would be of high quality and that it would meet the needs of the users. 
ASSIST Software’s dedicated game development team has created a set of example scenes in order to give you a sense of the capabilities of the extension tool. 
The Real-Time Weather plugin contains the following weather data: 
dew point 
UV index  
Our plugin is intended for desktop and console systems and it requires an Internet connection for collecting and updating the weather data. 
We invite you to take a peek at the Real-Time Weather Plugin, which is available on the Unity Asset Store
While you’re at it, you could also check out our 3D US Paratrooper Soldier – a 3D model military pack, ready to be integrated into your Unity 3D projects. 
For more details about this project and how it was developed, read our colleagues’ blog article, entitled: “Real-Time Weather Plugin for Unity”. 

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