ASSIST Software at Particulate Engineering for Industry 4.0 | ASSIST Software Romania
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ASSIST Software at Particulate Engineering for Industry 4.0

Thu, 15 Nov 2018

ASSIST Software present at the Particulate Engineering for Industry 4.0 seminar in London - Book a meeting with our team at

ASSIST Software will be attending the one-day seminar on Particulate Engineering for Industry 4.0 - From Feedstock to End Use, on November 27th, in London. 

This event is organized by IOM Communications and will showcase more details about the metallic, polymeric and refractory materials. Also, there are going to participate industry leads, tier suppliers and end users operating in this domain and embracing Industry 4.0 in their territories. The presentations delivered at this seminar will be filled with the latest information about the developments in manufacturing, 

The event is open to professionals, R&D, industrialists, quality control, entrepreneurs, as well as entrepreneurs, innovators, and investors. This one-day seminar will also cover the European activities, presenting strategies with examples of major collaborative multinational developments that are underway. 

Since we know that your time is the most valuable resource that you have, it will be best to schedule in advance an appointment with our Team and REQUEST A MEETING!

We are looking forward to meeting you at the Particulate Engineering for Industry 4.0 seminar in London and see how we can help in solving your digital challenges



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