ASSIST in the forest: Go Greener with us | ASSIST Software Romania
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ASSIST in the forest: Go Greener with us

Wed, 27 Apr 2022


What does it mean to Go Green? 


Companies worldwide are adjusting their business models to address growing environmental concerns. To do so, it is sometimes needed to impose a new vision in terms of production or manufacturing. Companies are now conditioned by consumers or international laws to be aware of their waste or non-ecological practices. 

 For ASSIST Software, Going Green also means seeking innovative methods of promoting eco-friendly environments. We have implemented rules regarding selective recycling in our offices and have organized events intended to aid the environment and the community we live in. 


How can a company Go Greener? 


Step by step, we plan to Go Greener. ASSIST Software is undoubtedly an environmentally friendly company, and we do not shy away from proving it repeatedly, hoping to set an example for those around us.  

 "Going Green" is an initiative where we want to use our voices to educate the people of tomorrow and raise awareness among the adults of today. 

 We started this process in 2017 when we organized our first reforestation initiative in the commune of Ostra. We were just a handful of people, but we still managed to plant a few hundred seedlings. Then, in 2018, we had a similar event to mark Earth Day


What have we done over the years? 


In 2019, we organized our first big tree-planting event. We teamed up with other institutions to be able to plant almost 3000 seedlings in Moldovita, Suceava. 

Last year, we planted 1500 oak seedlings in Adancata as a Go Green campaign. We also helped clean a floristic reserve in our attempt to Stay Green.  

 We distributed trees to our colleagues who expressed their desires to plant them in their backyards even during the pandemic. Not only that, but we have never forgotten our eco-friendly values and goals. 


How did we Go Greener in 2022? 

  Padure Programatori Suceava

For this year’s Go Greener event, 170 people accepted our challenge and joined us on a Saturday morning to support this cause. 

 In a forest in Valea Moldovei, a little over 3000 spruce seedlings were already waiting for us. Thus, at 8:45 AM on the 9th of April, we started the biggest reforestation activity ASSIST Software has ever coordinated.  

 In just a couple of hours, we managed to plant all the trees while also showing the 30 children present at the event what helping nature entails. We laughed and worked together while enjoying the crisp mountain air. Therefore, Go Greener was anything but a tedious activity.  


Will we do more? 


Doing good, aiding the community, loving nature, and working together are things we, at ASSIST Software, always try to incorporate into our daily routines.  

 We are currently planning our next eco-friendly actions and setting details for a clean-up activity bound to happen sometime in May. We trust that many ASSIST Software employees will bring their friends, families, and partners to our future events where we will work while contemplating our actions' lasting impacts on the community. 



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