SterilTrack is an RFID software solution that aims to help sterilization facilities to better control and monitor the sterilization process. Started as an R&D project, SterilTrack is now being sold to hospitals from Romania. SterilTrack is a web-based Internet of Things software platform developed using Ruby on Rails for the backend and Angular for the frontend. With this product, you can input all inventory into the system, assign RFID tags, and use Alien ALR scanners and our Android-based mobile application to track items and to send data to the SterilTrack platform. You can view the entire sterilization process for a specific kit/instrument as well as the analytics and reports.
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- audits sterilization activities
- quickly locates specific items in the database
- validates the sterilization of surgical instruments
- enforces strict rules to reduce human errors
- highly configurable to all types of sterilization facilities and sterilization machines
- portability by using fully connected high-performance RFID scanners
- support for Alien ALR RFID scanners
- support for Steris Amsco washers
- configuration module to adapt to all kinds of sterilization facilities
- administration module for sterilization machines
- reporting module
- Distributed Ledger Technology module for publishing the sterilisation data