JavaScript and C# Masterclasses in Suceava | ASSIST Software Romania
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JavaScript and C# Masterclasses in Suceava

Thu, 16 Mar 2023

ASSIST Masterclasses 21-22 april Header

ASSIST Academy has returned with another exceptional learning opportunity for professionals in Suceava.   

You are invited to upskill and enhance your career with two masterclasses taught by trainers who want you to succeed. Join us on the 21st and 22nd of April for 16 hours of professional and personal development.   


JavaScript Masterclass  

After having a JAVA Champion teach at the 1st edition of ASSIST Masterclasses, we have returned with a full JavaScript course that dives into the ins and outs of frontend and will be a fitting learning experience.   

Do you already know the JavaScript basics? Perfect! This masterclass is for you.   


Trainers for the Javascript Masterclass Pictures

Meet your trainers on the 21st of April at the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava and network with other specialists just as passionate as yourself. They will answer your most ardent questions about JavaScript!  


C# Masterclass  

Register for a unique C# Masterclass in Suceava and enjoy the early bird discount. Expand your knowledge by attending a 16-hour course available exclusively on the 21st and 22nd of April and connect with other professionals to discuss C# upskilling.  

Please register if you already know the basics of C# because this experience is guaranteed to be fantastic!  


Trainers C# Masterclass PicturesThese three trainers have already devised a learning plan you can check out. Are you confident? You should be, as we are looking for software engineers just like you to complete another ASSIST Masterclass successfully.  


What will you receive if you attend the ASSIST Masterclasses?  

  • 2 days of intensive learning  
  • A chance to network with peers  
  • Access to experienced trainers  
  • A certificate to attest your participation  
  • Lunch, dinner, and coffee on us.  

WIN a ticket!

Hurry up and get early bird access or test your knowledge in the JavaScript or C# contest and win one of the 10 FREE passes to the event!  


Button Book your seat


 Looking to purchase more tickets? You can contact us for an exclusive company deal tailored to your needs! 



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