CounteR Project: Newsletter #3 | ASSIST Software Romania
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CounteR Project: Newsletter #3

Tue, 20 Sep 2022

CounteR ASSIST Software

The third newsletter issued within the CounteR project was recently published, covering the progress registered by the consortium in project implementation, as well as the dissemination efforts designed to promote the project and its compelling results.  

Project partners took the opportunity to promote CounteR at technology and security fairs such as Hannover Messe and the Black Sea Defence, Aerospace and Security International Exhibition, as well as among academics and students at Università degli Studi di Milano. 

Learn more about our recent developments by accessing our full newsletter published on the CounteR project website.

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We remind you that the Privacy-First Situational Awareness Platform for Violent Terrorism and Crime Prediction, Counter Radicalization and Citizen Protection Project or CounteR is funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union and submitted under the H2020-SU-SEC-2020 call for proposals, with project ID 101021607


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