ASSIST Hiking Day in the Calimani Mountains
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ASSIST Hiking Day in the Calimani Mountains

Wed, 14 Aug 2019

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1.      100 Hikeaholics in the Călimani Mountains

Starting from last year’s adventure in the Rodnei Mountains, the ASSIST Hiking Day has become a tradition for the ASSIST team. Therefore, this year we decided to conquer another mountain peak, one that we knew would be more challenging to hike.  And we did just that;

Last Saturday, approximately 100 people hiked to the top of the Pietrosu Peak from Calimani Mountains, which has an altitude of 6896 ft. and is the highest massif in the Romanian volcanic chain.

ASSIST Software Hiking Day in the Călimani Mountains - ASSIST group

2.      The best view comes after the hardest climb

On the 11th of August 2019, at 9 a.m, everyone was ready to start the long-awaited mountain adventure. Accompanied by family and friends, after approximatively 11 km of hiking, we reached the peak and felt on the top of the world, standing at an altitude of 6896 ft.

The climb wasn’t easy or too hard; it was the right level of difficulty for us as we had to push ourselves and we were rewarded with a feeling of satisfaction when we reached the peak. From this experience, we learned more than ever to respect and appreciate nature, to discipline ourselves, and to communicate, respect and help each other.

The most amazing thing was that we were able to share the same feelings of joy and thankfulness during this unforgettable experience. It is said that the best view comes after the hardest climb, and so it is! Nothing compares to the feeling of satisfaction you get after a difficult climb combined with the breathtaking landscapes. 

3.    The hidden wound of the Călimani Mountains

It was an amazing journey that made us truly appreciate nature and understand the importance of respecting and protecting the natural world. Not long ago, in the communist period, when all of the focus was on achieving maximum economic development at any social or environmental costs, the industrialization irreversibly damaged the Călimani Mountains, which were believed to have huge sulfur deposits. 

Therefore, in the heart of the mountains, they started ruthless sulfur exploitation that left behind one of the biggest ecological disasters in Romania. The mining activities led to the physical destruction of the mountain, greatly damaging 300 hectares of land and ultimately, polluting the waters and the soil. 

4.      A journey to remember

After almost nine hours of pushing ourselves to our limits, on our way back to Suceava, we reached the conclusion that it will not be easy to forget the excitement of this climbing experience.

Therefore, we started to plan ASSIST Software’s next adventure, which we hope will be at least as extraordinary as this one was.

Where do you think should take place our next adventure? Tell us your ideas in the comments section below! 



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