ASSIST Software offered Christmas gifts to 36 children | ASSIST Software Romania
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ASSIST Software offered Christmas gifts to 36 children

Mon, 24 Dec 2018

This year, in December, Santa Claus sent us a word asking for our help, and as you might already guess, we couldn’t say no and we mobilized as quickly as possible.

We took the place of Santa's elves and started an intern charity campaign raising funds, food, clothing, and toys for 36 children in need from the village of Leucusesti, Suceava. With a mixture of joy and excitement, after buying the most beautiful gifts for the little ones and their families (worth 10.000 lei), we visited them at their homes and offered all our gifts in order to help them have a Merry Christmas

We must confess that last Friday, was more than about bringing joy to the ones less fortunate. It was about learning to be better and spread hope and kindness! And this is one of our main values, here at ASSIST Software

We express our sincere thanks to all who were involved in this charity campaign! 



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