HARD & SOFT Suceava 2018 | ASSIST Software Romania
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HARD & SOFT Suceava 2018

Thu, 31 May 2018

International Contest HARD & SOFT 2018 sustained by ASSIST Software

We are glad to announce that this year, too, ASSIST Software has been one of the main sponsors for the 25th edition of the International Contest HARD & SOFT 2018 organized at the "Stefan cel Mare" University in Suceava.

We are honored that we have been able to join and congratulate the students who represented Suceava in the competition, during the award ceremony. We were amazed by their determination and creativity they have shown throughout the competition.

We are proud to support this important contest since the first edition of 1994. We congratulate the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Suceava and all the participating teams for this new edition of success!



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