Choosing and Planning a Career in Software Development Industry - Suceava | ASSIST Software Romania
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Choosing and Planning a Career in Software Development Industry - Suceava

Tue, 30 Jun 2015

Choosing and Planning a Career in Software Development Industry - Suceava-ASSIST Software Romania

“Stefan cel Mare University” Suceava invited ASSIST Software to talk about “Choosing and  Planning a Career in Software Development industry in Suceava” and especially about building a career in our company. It is always an honor to talk with their brilliant students about things that we have in common: the passion for software development, dedication in following the right steps for success in business or career.

It is never too soon or too late to start a career planning, and it's not something that we do once and for all. It can start in high school or college, continues when finishing school, when we move forward in life or when we add skills or change the job.

Reflecting on our likes, dislikes, wishes, and wants must take into consideration when planning. The change is a factor in life, everybody changes, the world changes, the business changes. Something that we enjoyed doing two or three years ago may now give us displeasure.

Another step in planning is to develop a roadmap for career success. Can we be successful without setting goals? Yes, for sure but most researches say that goal-setting is the way to even more success. Once we set short time or long time goals it is very important to review and adjust those goals as we are moving forward. Once we accomplish them we need to develop new goals.

Part of career planning is to find training opportunities in local companies, local university as well as online learning programs. 

The software development industry has been on a rise in the last years in Suceava, ASSIST Software gaining more and more attention by having a solid portfolio with many quality projects finished successfully. Our results speak for themselves as you can see by visiting the projects and the testimonials page on our website or Google+.

If you are interested in developing a career in software development please check our Career page and please remember: Our greatest asset is our employee's expertise. 



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