ASSIST Software’s biggest hiking trip up Giumalau Mountain | ASSIST Software Romania
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ASSIST Software’s biggest hiking trip up Giumalau Mountain

Thu, 19 Aug 2021

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On the 7th of August, we managed to set a new ASSIST Software record by organizing the biggest hiking event in the company’s history. With our hiking gear and good spirits, we took on the challenge of climbing Giumalau mountain, walking a total of 20 kilometers in a couple of hours.  

ASSIST Hiking Day’s turnout was impressive this year, with 150 people signing up for the event. Our colleagues and their friends and family were all invited to walk the trail in a seven-hour event that accommodated even the slower, more inexperienced hikers.

To give ourselves plenty of time for the hike, we got up early and made our way to our starting point, the base of Giumalau mountain. We aced the five-kilometer climb and took in outstanding views of the surrounding area, all the while casually picking blueberries off the narrow trail.

After a short break at the top of the mountain and a photo session to mark our success, we started the second part of our hike – the descent, which was in fact, the longest.

Throughout the hike, we had help from a five-member Mountain Rescue team that accompanied us and made sure nobody wandered off the trail by mistake. Therefore, this was a wonderful opportunity for those less familiar with hiking to ask questions and learn a bit about trail signs and markers, information that can prove to be particularly useful for future endeavors. After our slow descent, we gathered up again to enjoy a well-deserved late lunch at a trout restaurant where we were able to catch our breaths before returning home.

The 150-participant hiking event will surely be one that everybody will remember not only because of the 20-kilometer walk but also for its beauty and the sense of teamwork that was witnessed on the trail.

This is the third hike organized by our company. We have already conquered the Rodnei and Calimani mountains and we will continue breaking records together!



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