ASSIST Software offered gifts for kids on Children`s Day! | ASSIST Software Romania
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ASSIST Software offered gifts for kids on Children`s Day!

Wed, 14 Jun 2017

June 1st is probably one of the happiest days of the year for the youngest of us. Children are celebrated, receive gifts, and enjoy the only joy.

International Children`s Day was first mentioned in Geneva at the World Conference on the Protection and Welfare of Children in August 1925. Along with Romania, 47 other states celebrate their children on the same date.

We all remember our favorite childhood toy: a teddy bear, a car, a doll or any other toy that we could not separate from morning till night. We want to offer such experience to our children, grandchildren or younger brothers. June 1st is one of the days when we have to make the most beautiful gifts. And at the moment the little one will focus on all the joy on the toy we just offered, we can be sure we have reached our goal.

This year, ASSIST Software wanted to provide this experience to children who did not really have such feelings, so it was involved in a broad humanitarian fundraising and donation action from both employees and the company . The feedback was a very good one and managed to collect many things (clothes, toys, sweets, and money) which together with Father Adrian Dulgheriu from Protoieria Fălticeni we managed to share with children who on this wonderful and dedicated day, they had to feel only the joys, to be able to read on their face that happiness that you can see so sincerely in your childhood.

The events of this action involving ASSIST Software on June 1st were: a visit to Fălticeni Children's Hospital, where gifts were distributed to interned and abandoned children, then an event that was organized in the Fălticeni Protoieria, A mini-football competition, attended by about 50 children. Each child received a gift, a participation diploma, fruits, sweets, and the winning team received a cup that marked the first edition of the Football Championship organized by Protoieria Fălticeni.

There was also an event organized by Protoieria Fălticeni, a contest of "Drawings on asphalt", attended by about 35 children, who received diplomas, sweets, and fruits.

From the photos attached to this article, you can see joy and happiness on the faces of the children, which for us was the greatest congratulation and was above all feelings of peace and spiritual reconciliation.

In the future, we want to get involved in such actions and not necessarily to be on the occasion of the children's day, just to live this feeling.

International Children`s Day ASSIST Software Suceava - helping the children in need




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